【雑誌掲載】「オレンジページ 8月17日号」にてRINENNA Pro 0 #ZEROをご紹介いただきました

[Magazine publication] RINENNA Pro 0 #ZERO was introduced in "Orange Page August 17th issue"

RINENNA Pro 0 #ZERO was introduced on "Orange Page"

In “Orange Page August 17, 2022 issue” released on August 2, 2022,
We were introduced to RINENNA Pro 0 #ZERO.

☆Click here for Orange Page official website → https://www.orangepage.net

New products selected by editorial staff that will make you excited every day

An editorial staff member introduced RINENNA Pro 0 #ZERO as a new product that he picked up while using it himself and is excited about every day .

From the editorial staff,
"I'm glad it's easy to use because there's no need to soak it in or massage it."
We have heard from you.

#Three points to use ZERO effectively

RINENNA Pro 0 #ZERO is resistant to oil-based stains, but the steps from the time the stain is applied to the treatment will make a difference in how well it removes the stain.
We would like to introduce three points to help you use #ZERO more effectively.

1.Do not wash the stain with cold or hot water in a hurry.

Have you ever had the experience of getting a stain on your precious clothing and rushing to wash it off with water?
This is actually a solution that you should avoid when using #ZERO.

#ZERO acts on the oil content of dirt and removes it, but
If you wash away the dirt with cold or hot water after soiling your clothes, only the oil will be washed away first, making it difficult to remove the dirt.

2 Apply plenty of #ZERO

#ZERO is effective by applying the ingredients directly to the stain.
Dirt penetrates not only the surface of the fabric but also the inside of the fibers, so
Apply #ZERO evenly so that it is fully soaked into the stained fabric.

3 If it gets dirty, immediately dispose of it with #ZERO

If a long period of time passes after staining, the quality of the fabric may deteriorate due to the components of the stain.
Dirt becomes more difficult to remove as time passes, so if it gets dirty, please treat it with #ZERO as soon as possible.

By having #ZERO on hand, you will be able to thoroughly remove stains without having to worry about stains.

Please prepare #ZERO as a talisman for your precious clothes.


Products introduced on this page

  • files/3_e92eb95a-e204-4631-be82-8b02407cf666.png

    Stylish clothing detergent RINENNA Pro 0 #ZERO 100g


  • products/R__0001_ZERO30-468021.jpg

    Stylish clothing detergent RINENNA Pro 0 #ZERO 30g
