New release! High-grade fabric softener Rinenna No.9 FABRIC CONDITIONER
New release! High-grade fabric softener Rinenna No.9 FABRIC CONDITIONER
A clothing conditioner that improves clothing damage starting from the fibers.
You can easily achieve a professional finish at home.
The fabric softener that was highly requested by linenna users will be released in June 2023!
We are committed to making your favorite clothes last longer , and we have created a high-quality fabric softener for professional use.
Luxury fabric softener designed for your precious clothes
There are various fabric softeners on the market that improve the water absorption of towels, but Rinenna has developed a fabric softener that focuses on comfort and prolonging the life of your clothes .
For a soft and impressive texture
You can feel the difference with FABRIC CONDITIONER NO.9 from the moment you wash it.
A luxurious blend of high-quality smoothing ingredients coats each fiber, making it wrinkle-resistant and smooth to the touch.
Protect fibers and make clothes last longer
FABRIC CONDITIONER NO.9 offers the following benefits for providing comfort and protecting clothing.
■ Improves wrinkle elongation ■ Adjusts to the original texture of the fiber ■ Reduces adhesion of pollen and dust ■ Reduces static electricity ■ Reduces friction damage
Unscented comfort
Based on the questionnaires answered by linenna users, we have adjusted the product to maximize the effects desired from a fabric softener.
Additionally, in order to respect various values regarding fragrance, which has become a social issue in recent years, the conditioner being released this time is purposely unscented.
By not adding fragrances, the amount of residual ingredients (such as oil contained in fragrances) on clothes after washing is suppressed, leading to a more pleasant finish.
Enjoy “home cleaning” with Rinenna!
If we can properly care for clothing, which deteriorates little by little every time we wear or wash it (=aging), we can enjoy more fun wearing and choosing clothes, and we can achieve ethical consumption that does not assume that they are disposable. be connected.
How to keep your clothes clean for a long time
・Remove dirt thoroughly
・Protect the fibers These two things are important.
Until now, we have developed products with a focus on removing dirt, but with the newly released FABRIC CONDITIONER NO.9 in our lineup, you can now easily clean your home at home.
You can save the cost and time of cleaning, and your time performance for housework will improve significantly. Please try it once.
【スタッフレビュー 1】年頃小学生女子のニット静電気防止ケア!
我が家の小学校高学年女子、最近はファッションに目覚めおしゃれなお洋服をあれこれ着るのが楽しみなようです♪ そんな娘がこの冬1番のお気に入りのニットカーディガンがあるのですが、そのニットの静電気が特に凄く、髪の毛がペタ~と引っ付いたり、脱ぐ時のバチバチ、、どうにならないの!!と。 なんと柔軟剤Rinenna No.9 FABRIC CONDITIONERが静電気を軽減してくれるということで、さっそく試してみたところ今までの鬱陶しかった静電気が全く無くなりました! おかげで娘も大喜び、お気に入りのカーディガンはすっかりヘビロテアイテムになりました♪
【スタッフレビュー 2】スーツを自宅で洗濯。肌触りのよさに驚き
久々に着る洗えるスーツをZERO+柔軟剤で洗濯しました。 スーツを洗うのは初めてだったので心配でしたが、シワなくキレイに仕上がりました! でもそれ以上に驚いたのは、着た時の気肌触りのよさです。 肌に触れる部分がものすごく滑らかで、こんなに着心地が変わるんだと驚きました。 秋冬は静電気予防に、春先は花粉予防にと活躍していましたが、衣類が直接肌に触れる夏物も柔軟剤を使って肌触りよく仕上げたいなと思いました。
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