RINENNA Pro #ZERO 100g + Rinenna#1
RINENNA Pro #ZERO 100g + Rinenna#1
Make your clothes more beautiful with a set of RINENNA Pro#ZERO and RINenna#1
Focus on oil stains! A set with the unprecedented ``stylish clothing detergent that can remove stains'' and the long-selling soaking laundry detergent Rinenna #1.
Have you ever accidentally put on foundation, lipstick, sunscreen, etc. when you take it off?
Stains from foundation and sunscreen are noticeable on both white and black clothing. Especially in the summer, the sunscreen you apply on your neck and arms can sweat and get stuck to your neck or cuffs.
The problem with makeup stains such as foundation and sunscreen is that they cannot be removed by simply washing them in the washing machine.
However, if you rub or rub it, the fabric will stretch and become tangled.
We have developed a fashionable stain-removal detergent to remove those troublesome stains that tend to accumulate on a daily basis.
This place is amazing! Stylish clothing detergent RINENNA#ZERO
1. No soaking time! Spot use
This is an ultra-high concentration detergent that specializes in oil-based spot stains, so it works effectively on stains when used in small amounts. Simply apply directly to the stain before washing in the washing machine. There is no need for soaking time or washing.
2. Stylish laundry detergent that can be used for your favorite delicate clothes
Can be used on delicate clothing! Because the ingredients are designed to be neutral, it can also be used on delicate clothing made from animal fibers such as wool and silk. Also, since it does not contain bleaching ingredients, it can be used on colored patterned items.
3. Ingredients that work hard on oil-based stains
This is a stain remover that focuses on oil-based stains, which is different from Rinena #1 and Rinenna #2, which specialize in protein stains from the body. Removes stains that are difficult to remove with Rinenna's soaking detergent. For oil + pigment stains, we recommend using it in conjunction with Rinenna #1 or Rinenna #2, which is resistant to pigment stains.
【スタッフレビュー 1】洗い方、洗剤の種類選びって、大切なんだなぁ〜と実感しています
以前は家で出るどんな汚れも、市販の洗剤1種類で洗っていました。ゴシゴシしても落ちない汚れは、洗濯機で回しても少し薄くなる程度...捨てるか、諦めて使い続けるか...の2つの選択肢しか無かったのですが、Rinenna洗剤を使い分けることで、ほとんどの汚れが残らなくなりました。買い替えしなくて良いので、日常的に汚れることへの恐れが減って、イライラが減った気さえします。 10年ほど前に集めていた限定のキーホルダーが、埃まみれになっていたので、思い切ってつけ置きしたら、かつての可愛い姿に戻りました!つけ置き洗濯だけでキレイになるので、つけ置きバケツは3つ持っています。洗い方、洗剤の種類選びって、大切なんだなぁ〜と実感しています。
【スタッフレビュー 2】#ZEROに出会ってびっくり。つけ置きなしでこんなに汚れが落ちるなんて!
Rinenna#1のつけ置き洗いでスッキリ落ちるところを気に入っていましたが、#ZEROに出会ってびっくり。つけ置きをしなくてもこんなに汚れが落ちるなんて。 今は、軽い汚れはZEROをつけてとりあえず洗濯してみて、それでも落ちないときは#1#2でつけ置き洗いをしています。 (本当に軽い汚れは10倍希釈で、落ちるかな~?と思う汚れや黒ずみは原液を塗布、と使い分けています。) 汚れに合わせて洗剤を使い分け、上手く汚れが落ちると達成感があって気持ちいいです。今はどんな汚れが来ても、こうしたら落ちるかな?と思えるで、子どもの服のシミ・汚れにも、夫の加齢臭にも寛容になれました(笑)
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