
What is the difference between nursery school and kindergarten?

Hello! Rinenna staff.
This time, we will talk about the simple question asked by parents who are considering enrolling their child in a nursery school: ``The difference between a kindergarten and a nursery school.''
What is a certified children's school? How much will the cost change? When entering elementary school, is there a difference in academic ability between nursery school and kindergarten? We have summarized the points of difference.

Basic difference between nursery school and kindergarten

First, the basics.
The biggest difference between a nursery school and a kindergarten is whether the parent is unable to provide childcare due to work, illness, or other reasons.
Simply put, a nursery school is a place where children are cared for on behalf of their parents , and a kindergarten is a place for the purpose of education .
Let's take a closer look.

What is a nursery school?

Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, this is a place where infants and young children are cared for in place of parents who are unable to provide childcare.
  • Target age: 0 years old to before entering elementary school
  • Childcare hours: 7:30 to 19:00
  • School lunch: Yes
  • Teacher qualification: Nursery teacher qualification certificate
Daycare centers are used when parents need to leave their children for long periods of time due to work or illness.
The legal basis for daycare centers is the Child Welfare Act, and the purpose of daycare centers is to ``take care of infants and young children who lack childcare at the request of parents.''

What is kindergarten?

Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, this is a place that mainly educates preschool children.
  • Age: 3 years old - before entering elementary school
  • Childcare hours: 9am to 2pm
  • Lunch: Some schools have it and some don't.
  • Teacher Qualifications: Kindergarten Teacher's License Anyone who reaches a certain age is eligible to enter kindergarten, and according to the School Education Act, the purpose of the kindergarten is to "promote the physical and mental development of young children."

What is a certified children's school?

In contrast to nursery schools and kindergartens, ``certified children's schools'' are becoming more popular these days.
A certified nursery school is a facility that provides early childhood education and childcare in an integrated manner. It has the best of both a kindergarten and a nursery school, and certification standards are set by prefectural ordinances.
In contrast to nursery schools under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and kindergartens under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, certified kindergartens are under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet Office. In other words, since the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology are both involved, it can be considered to have the functions of both.
It is positioned somewhere between a nursery school and a kindergarten.

What is the difference in cost between nursery school and kindergarten?

Let's take a look at the differences in cost.

nursery school costs

The cost of daycare centers varies widely depending on household income, but the average daycare fee nationwide is around 30,000 yen per month.
  • Childcare fees are determined according to household income (municipal tax payment amount)
  • The younger the child, the more expensive the childcare fee will be.
  • It becomes cheaper after the second person.
  • Extra charge for after-hours childcare
In the case of licensed nursery schools, childcare fees increase in proportion to household income. In the case of unlicensed nursery schools, there is no subsidy from the local government, so there are many cases where the childcare fee is a flat rate.

Kindergarten costs

  • Childcare fees are the same for everyone regardless of household income
  • Entrance fees and costs for designated goods are required.
  • Optional fees such as shuttle bus fees and lessons will also be charged separately.
Many kindergartens offer shuttle bus fares, after-school lessons, and extended child care. It is said that the difference in cost between private kindergartens and public kindergartens is about twice as much.
Childcare fees vary greatly between public and private schools, and even within private schools, but according to data (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), the national average is 12,000 yen per month for public kindergartens and 30,000 yen per month for private kindergartens. There is a difference in cost in yen.
What is the difference between nursery school and kindergarten academic ability? Looking at the basics, a nursery school is a place where children are taken care of, and a kindergarten is a place where they are educated, so wouldn't a kindergarten be more advantageous when they go on to elementary school? However, in reality, there are major differences between nursery schools and kindergartens depending on the school's educational policy and curriculum.
For example, many daycare centers today focus on education, such as learning classes, swimming, gymnastics, and English conversation.
On the other hand, some kindergartens place emphasis on playing freely, so it is thought that there is not much of a difference in academic ability.

Advantages and disadvantages of nursery schools

Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of daycare centers.

Advantages of nursery school

  • Can be kept for a long time
  • There is less burden on parents to participate in events and parent-teacher meetings.
  • You will receive thorough instructions on toilet training.
  • A nutritionally balanced school lunch is served every day.
  • Less cost burden

Disadvantages of nursery school

  • Long childcare hours mean less time to spend with family
  • There is less interaction with mom friends compared to kindergarten.
I think working moms and dads are looking for daycare centers where they can keep their child for long hours.

Advantages and disadvantages of kindergarten

Next, the advantages and disadvantages of kindergarten.

Advantages of kindergarten

  • You can take lessons after school.
  • You can expect education that includes discipline.
  • I can have lots of interaction with mom friends and friends.

Disadvantages of kindergarten

  • There are many opportunities for parents to actively participate, such as parent-teacher conferences and events.
  • There is a possibility of getting into trouble because there are many people involved.
  • There will be costs in addition to childcare fees.
Kindergarten, which is defined as an educational institution, seems to focus more on discipline and education. (However, I think it depends a lot on the policies of each nursery school or kindergarten.) Another big difference is the cost and the relationship with the mother. In the case of kindergartens where the basic childcare hours are short, I think that, for better or worse, children will inevitably have to socialize more.

Choose what's best for mom and child

So far, we have compared nursery schools and kindergartens from various aspects, but what do you think? There is not a big difference in terms of academic ability, so go beyond the boundaries of ``because it's a nursery school'' or ``because it's a kindergarten'', and carefully consider the school that best suits your child, considering your family's financial situation, educational policy, parents' jobs, etc. Sho.     

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