頑固な黒ずみを取る「 ソファ 」の洗い方 | お洗濯 の基本を学ぶVol.20

How to wash a sofa to remove stubborn dark spots | Learn the basics of washing Vol.20

The sofa is the focal point of the living room.
It is essential for daily life, such as sitting down to watch TV or taking a nap.
Sofas tend to become black due to sweat stains and hand grime.
Remove stains using a method that matches the material of your sofa!

fabric sofa

●Wipe the sofa with a cloth dampened with household detergent diluted with water.
Then, use a damp cloth to absorb the detergent and wipe dry to remove moisture.
●After drying, apply a steam iron to the sofa to make it firmer and look better! ☆Preventive measures to prevent stains☆ You can prevent stains by wiping cloth sofas lightly with a cloth soaked in vinegar.

leather sofa

●Remove dirt with a cloth dampened with shoe cleaner.
For synthetic leather, use diluted liquid soap.
●Wipe thoroughly so that no cleaner remains.
●Rubbing in leather cream and wiping the sofa with a soft cloth to finish.

[Media introduction]

・VERY web
rinenna introduced as a favorite item on VERY writer Shizuna Takahashi's blog