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Cloth Diaper Basics | How to choose and use cloth diapers. A thorough explanation of the differences and benefits from disposable diapers, and how to wash and dry them.

How to choose and use cloth diapers. Introducing the differences and benefits from paper diapers, as well as how to wash and dry them.

Would you like to try cloth diaper childcare for the first time?

Changing diapers is a role that you will face for several years after your baby is born.
When your baby is a newborn, you have to change them several times a day, which can be a bit difficult, but when you look back on those days after raising your child, you realize that the physical contact you could only have while wearing diapers was important. Sometimes I feel nostalgic.
Newborn babies only wear diapers for a few years.
Why not spend the next few years using cloth diapers, which have various benefits? Here, we will introduce you to the basics you need to know about cloth diaper childcare, including how to choose and use cloth diapers, how they differ from disposable diapers, their benefits, how to wash and dry them, and more.

What is cloth diaper?

The main feature of cloth diapers is that they are not disposable, but can be washed and reused over and over again.
Diapers made from natural fibers such as organic cotton, polyester, and nylon.
Currently, using disposable diapers for childcare is the mainstream, but more and more families are using both cloth and paper diapers because they are economical and environmentally friendly.

What is the difference between cloth diapers and disposable diapers?

The current mainstream disposable diapers use absorbent and waterproof agents, and are more absorbent and breathable than cloth diapers, so they can be worn for long periods of time with less discomfort for babies.
The biggest advantage is that you don't need to change diapers as often, and since they are disposable, you can use them when going out or traveling.
Cloth diapers, on the other hand, are uncomfortable for babies when they urinate or poop, so cloth diapers need to be changed frequently.
Although it may seem a bit difficult, the beauty of cloth diaper childcare is that the more you change the diaper, the more physical contact and communication you will have with your baby.

What are the benefits of using cloth diapers? Introduction to the benefits of cloth diapers

Skin contact is said to be especially important for both babies and mothers, especially from the newborn period to early childhood.
The ability to interact with nature during the act of changing diapers may be the greatest benefit of using cloth diapers for childcare.
In addition to that, there are various other benefits that come with using cloth diapers, which we will introduce in detail.

Advantage 1 of cloth diapers | Good cost performance

Cloth diapers that can be washed and used repeatedly.
Unlike disposable paper diapers, cloth diapers are extremely cost-effective because they only require an initial cost and additional purchasing costs when needed.
It's great that when a younger brother or sister is born, you can use the same cloth diapers you used for your older child, so you can get started without any initial costs.

Cost comparison of cloth diapers and disposable diapers

The difference in cost between using cloth diapers for two years and disposable diapers for two years is about 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen.

Advantage 2 of cloth diapers | Gentle on the skin

In the case of disposable diapers, non-woven petroleum-based synthetic fibers are generally used on the surface that comes into contact with the baby's skin.
Recently, high-quality non-woven fabrics that are comfortable to the touch are being used, making disposable diapers more comfortable.
However, due to the characteristics of synthetic fibers, there are disadvantages such as less moisture absorption, making them more likely to feel stuffy than natural fibers, and being more likely to generate static electricity.
On the other hand, cloth diapers are made from cotton materials such as organic cotton.
In fact, cotton is said to be one of the most skin-friendly natural fibers.
One of the reasons cotton is said to be gentle is its softness.
Because the tips of the fibers are rounded, they are softer than other fibers, and softness leads to ``gentleness'' and ``comfort to wear.''
In addition, cotton is less susceptible to static electricity than synthetic fibers, so it is less likely to generate static electricity when it comes in contact with the skin.
The lack of such irritation also makes it gentle on the skin.
Another characteristic of cotton material is that the fibers themselves have appropriate breathability and water absorption.
Stuffiness that leads to rashes is the enemy of your skin.
The cotton material used in cloth diapers is not only comfortable to touch and wear, but is also gentle on a baby's delicate skin.

Advantages of cloth diapers 3: No need to take out the garbage and it is environmentally friendly

The advantage of cloth diapers is that you don't have to take out the trash.
Disposable diapers that have poop or urine will inevitably smell.
This eliminates the odors that occur when trash is left there and the stress of not having to go to throw it away.
Cloth diapers, which can be washed and reused repeatedly, also have advantages from the perspective of SDGs, which have become important in recent years.
Used paper diapers will be disposed of as garbage every day.
Disposable diapers are collected as combustible garbage and incinerated in most local governments, but unlike regular paper waste, disposable diapers that absorb urine contain a lot of water, which puts a strain on incinerators.
They are processed at higher costs, such as by adding auxiliary combustion agents to incinerate them.
When using cloth diapers, the amount of household waste generated is significantly less than when using disposable diapers.
I'm happy that by incorporating cloth diapers into childcare, I can naturally work towards the SDGs.

Advantages of cloth diapers 4 | Ideal for toilet training (toy training)

Recent paper diapers are really high-performance! Therefore, it has a structure that makes it difficult for babies to feel discomfort.
It can also be said that it has evolved to reduce discomfort.
However, for babies who are not yet able to relieve themselves in the toilet, the discomfort they feel when excreting is very important.
By using cloth diapers, your baby will develop a sense of comfort and discomfort, which will lead to potty training from an early age.

For childcare without diapers | Enamel potty (chamber pot)

The enamel potty with a handle is the perfect size for your baby's butt.
It is easy to handle as poop and urine can be flushed down the toilet and washed.
It also comes with a lid ◎

5 Advantages of Cloth Diapers | Can be used during disasters

When a disaster occurs that cuts off lifelines, one of the first things that goes out of stores is disposable diapers.
Many households stockpile disposable diapers in preparation for disasters, don't they? Cloth diapers can be used repeatedly as long as they are soaked with water, so there is no need to panic in the event of a disaster.
Even if your family doesn't normally use cloth diapers, it's a good idea to be prepared in case of a disaster.
They also take up less space to store than disposable diapers.

Recommended articles | Thorough explanation of the benefits of cloth diapers

What are the disadvantages of cloth diapers? What should I be careful about?

We've talked about the benefits of cloth diapers, but you'll want to know what to keep in mind before starting cloth diaper childcare.
Here, we will introduce the disadvantages of cloth diapers in detail.

Disadvantage of cloth diapers 1: The hassle and frequency of changing diapers

Compared to paper diapers, which can be worn for long periods of time, cloth diapers can be changed more frequently, which can be said to be advantageous for babies because they allow for more physical contact.
However, it can be said to be a disadvantage in the sense that it requires more effort on the part of the person doing the replacement.

Disadvantage of cloth diapers 2: It takes time to wash them

Disposable diapers can be thrown away, but cloth diapers require soaking or hand-washing before washing, so washing them is a hassle.
Cloth diapers that have urine or poop on them will be difficult to remove if left unsoaked, so we recommend soaking or washing them as soon as possible after changing diapers.

How to choose cloth diapers

If you want to try or start using cloth diapers for childcare after understanding the advantages and disadvantages of cloth diapers, let's think about what kind of cloth diapers to choose.
You can use different cloth diapers depending on your lifestyle and occasion, so please refer to the following to choose the cloth diaper of your choice.

Learn about the parts of diapers

First, let's start by knowing what parts are needed for cloth diaper childcare.
In fact, the term ``cloth diaper'' refers to the ``cloth part'' that is placed against the baby's skin and absorbs urine and poop.
Cloth diapers alone will cause the diaper to fall off the body, so you will need both a diaper cover and a cloth diaper to prevent it from coming off.
There are two types of absorbent cloth diapers: ring diapers and molded diapers, and some people may not know which one to choose.
Here, we will introduce the characteristics of each part of cloth diapers in detail.

Cloth diaper parts | Wheel diapers

A diaper made from a single piece of cloth sewn into a ring is a ring diaper.
Ring diapers are the type that can be folded to fit the child's body, so they can be used to fit each child's body as they grow.
Also, because ring diapers are made of thin cloth, they are easy to wash by hand and dry quickly.
However, if you wash a long, narrow ring diaper in the washing machine, it will get tangled inside, and you will have to untie the tangled ring diaper when you dry it.
Ring diapers also require a lot of effort to smooth out wrinkles and fold them.

Cloth diaper parts | Molded diapers

Molded diapers are pad-shaped diapers with thick fabric.
Molded diapers do not need to be folded like ring diapers, so they can be put on your baby right away, are easy to wash, and can be stored compactly.
Therefore, for those who want to save time, molded diapers are recommended.
The disadvantage of molded diapers is that they take longer to dry than ring diapers because the fabric used is thicker.

Cloth diaper parts | Diaper cover

There are two types of diaper covers: types that fasten with snap buttons and types that fasten with Velcro.
Snap-button diaper covers take some getting used to, but they have the advantage of making cloth diapers less likely to fall off.
On the other hand, Velcro diaper covers are easy to put on and take off, but they may come off when you crawl or turn over in bed.
Therefore, we recommend using different diaper covers as your baby grows, such as using Velcro diaper covers when your baby is a newborn, and snap button diaper covers when they start moving around.

When choosing cloth diapers, which is better: ring diapers or molded diapers?

If your baby poops loosely, you can use a ring diaper to create a bank to prevent leakage, and if you want to change the way the diaper is applied like origami and arrange it to the size that suits your baby's body, and don't have to worry about washing it, use a ring diaper. For those who want to reduce the amount of effort and effort required due to their compact size, you can choose molded diapers.
Depending on your family's lifestyle and usage, please choose between ring diapers and molded diapers.

What items do you need for cloth diaper childcare?

We have introduced the features of cloth diaper parts, but there are other items you will need when starting cloth diaper childcare.
First, a bucket large enough to hold cloth diapers.
A large bucket is an essential item when raising children with cloth diapers that require frequent diaper changes.
In addition, the ``soaking detergent'' and ``laundry detergent'' used to wash diapers are also important.

Essential items for cloth diaper childcare | Bucket with lid

For Omniutti buckets, we recommend size S or L for storing cloth diapers.

How to wash and dry cloth diapers

From what I have read so far, some people may feel that childcare using cloth diapers is a little difficult because cloth diapers take time and effort to wash. Here we will show you how to wash and dry cloth diapers so that they can be washed cleanly and with as little effort as possible.

How to wash cloth diapers

What to prepare

  • soaking bucket
  • baking soda or oxygen bleach
  • Laundry detergent (weakly alkaline)

How to wash cloth diapers Step 1 | Prepare a soaking bucket for cloth diapers

In a bucket, prepare a soaking detergent made of 1 tablespoon of baking soda or oxygen bleach to 2 liters of hot water.
Hot water dissolves baking soda and oxygen bleach more easily than water, and removes dirt more easily, so try to use hot water between 40°C and 50°C.
However, be careful not to get burned as it gets hot at around 50℃.

How to wash cloth diapers Step 2 | Put dirty cloth diapers in and soak overnight.

Flush the poop down the toilet or wipe it with a baby wipe, then rub it lightly, then put the somewhat clean cloth diaper in a bucket and leave it soaked overnight.
What you need to be careful about here is whether the diaper is properly soaked in hot water.
Please note that if the diaper is above the water surface, it may cause mold to grow.
Also, if you soak it with only hot water without adding baking soda, mold and bacteria will grow, so be sure to add baking soda before soaking.

How to wash cloth diapers Step 3 | Put the cloth diapers into the washing machine along with the bucket of water and add your laundry detergent.

Put the cloth diaper in the washing machine along with the bucket of water, let it spin for 3 to 4 minutes using the washing machine's dehydration function, then add laundry detergent and start washing.
You can remove poop residue by dehydrating the dirty soaking water in a washing machine.
Also, be sure to rinse at least twice.
If you rinse it once, the dirt and detergent will remain on the fibers, so it is no good.
For sensitive baby skin, rinsing three times is recommended rather than two.

How to dry cloth diapers

The key to drying cloth diapers after washing is to dry them in the sun in a well-ventilated place.
Whether you use ring diapers or molded diapers, exposing them to sunlight can reduce the yellowing characteristic of cloth diapers.
We also recommend putting it in the dryer on rainy days or when you're busy.
However, if you put a waterproof diaper cover in the dryer, the waterproof function will be lost, so be careful not to put it in the dryer.

How to dry a ring diaper

Wipe the ring diapers well to remove any wrinkles and hang them to dry with the cloth taut.
By keeping it taut, there will be fewer wrinkles and it will be easier to fold.

How to dry molded diapers

Molded diapers, as the name suggests, are diapers that are "molded" so there is no need to fold them.
Hang it with clothespins on a pinch hanger.
I love that compact molded diapers can be hung to dry without taking up much space.

Recommended article | Complete guide to washing cloth diapers

How to wash cloth diapers [Complete version] | Easy to wash by soaking!

How to buy and arrange cloth diapers

When you finally decide to start using cloth diapers for your child, you may be wondering where to buy them and how to get them.
So, here we will introduce in detail where to buy cloth diapers and how many to prepare.

Where to buy cloth diapers

Cloth diapers can be purchased at stores that sell baby products.
Some stores have cloth diaper sections, so if you want to see for yourself what cloth diapers are, go to the store.
Online shopping is also an easy way to purchase.
You can check out cloth diapers from the comfort of your home, so please give it a try.

Number of cloth diapers to prepare

The recommended number of diaper changes for newborns is approximately 15 times a day.
Considering washing and drying, if you mainly use cloth diapers, you will probably need around 30 cloth diapers and 4 diaper covers.
If you are using both cloth diapers and disposable diapers, we recommend preparing half the amount (10 cloth diapers and 2 diaper covers).
The newborn period is the most frequent time for peeing and pooping, which gradually decreases and the frequency of changing diapers decreases, so as the age at which you start using cloth diapers progresses, the number of diapers you need to use will also decrease.
Also, if your nursery school specifies cloth diapers, prepare at least twice the number of cloth diapers specified by the nursery school for changing.

Summary of things needed for cloth diaper childcare

What you need for cloth diaper childcare

  • Cloth diapers (ring diapers or molded diapers)
  • diaper cover
  • soaking bucket
  • Baking soda or detergent
  • Laundry detergent (weakly alkaline)
  • laundry hanger
If you have this, you can start cloth diapering at any time.
People tend to think that the hurdles are high, but why not start using cloth diapers as soon as possible? For example, those who take care of a baby absolutely need time to have fun and rest, such as when traveling, going out, or sleeping at night.
Find your own way to raise your child using cloth diapers, such as spending that time using disposable diapers, but also incorporating time spent using cloth diapers.

Click here for Linena's "cloth diaper" product lineup

At Linenna, we support those who are starting to raise children using cloth diapers.
We have a rich lineup ranging from ``Cloth Diaper Trial Set'' to ``Cloth Diaper Combination Set.''
We also offer a set that includes cloth diapers that are easy to use and don't leak, and detergent that removes poop stains without having to massage them, so it's also recommended for those who are using cloth diapers for the first time.

Summary|There are many good things about cloth diapers!

As introduced in this article, there are many good things about cloth diapers.
Changing diapers is also an important form of communication with your baby that can only be experienced at a young age.
Enjoy changing diapers with your baby by incorporating the benefits of both cloth diapers and disposable diapers into your childcare routine.

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